If at any time you do not agree with the plan or the NDIA services, you can appeal this process.
Read MoreHow do I choose a Plan Manager for NDIS?
In this article you will find some very helpful information on Plan Management:
Read MoreWhere does Coordination of Supports come into it?
This will form part of your plan budget line around Access to Community, Social and Recreational Activities. It comes under the Capacity Building Supports Budget Line.
Read MoreWhat options do I have when managing NDIS Funds?
In short you have four options when it comes to managing your NDIS funds or budget.
Read MoreHow do I find the right Support Worker?
Finding the right support worker can be hard.
Having someone working with you on a personal level is a big deal.
Knowing that you will get along, they can be trusted, and you know they will do everything that is needed.
Read MoreWhat can I claim for with NDIS?
This topic has been very controversial for some time, what can and what you cannot claim with your NDIS funding.
Read MoreI am NDIS Self-Managed how does it work?
This article is aimed at those who have Self-Managed components of their NDIS plan.
Read MoreWhat should I expect at a NDIS planning meeting?
This article is aimed at people starting out with NDIS and have their first NDIS planning meeting.
Read MoreI am new to NDIS, what is the process?
This article will benefit anyone who is new to NDIS and feel overwhelmed with what they are to do and how it works. The NDIS Process.
Read MoreHow to have more time
Who wants more time? Who craves for more time?
I don’t know about you, but some days I feel like this.
Life can get pretty hectic with working, running a house, kids after school activities, school and childcare drop off’s, everyone wanting to spend 1 minute of, what seems like non existent, my time!
I tell you what, when all this chaos is happening, all I want to do is spend some time in a quite secluded place and do absolutely nothing!
What does a psychologist do?
A psychologist is a registered health professional who focuses on human emotions and behaviour and the science behind it, identifying both conscious and subconscious issues.
Read Moremy spiritual journey
A blogg on where it all began….right at the beginning.
Read MoreGossiping
Gossiping is something that we can all be guilty of at some point in our lives.
Read MoreWhat are the 3 universal fears?
Did you know that there are three universal fears?
Fears are what keep us safe. It is the way we can protect ourselves from harm.
How we do this is through a thought and then a feeling whether it is emotional or physical.
Read MoreHow do you measure prosperity?
A quick question… what does prosperity mean to you?
Read MoreHow do I get assessed for Autism?
Typically, the way to get assessed for Autism is through two professional diagnostic assessments.
Read MoreWhat is a win-win situation?
What is a win-win situation?
I was reading a book the other day and it mentioned having a ‘win/win’ mentality. In that an outcome benefits everyone!
Read MoreWhat is Autism?
Autism is a neurological disability that is so vast and different which is why it is a spectrum. It is mostly evident through their behaviour, so how they view and react in an environment such as noise, lighting, smells, people, etc.
Read More5 Things About Me
You twisted my arm. I will play “five things you may not know about me”…with Samantha Blake
Read MoreDocumentary Review1
Homosapians and Neanderthal’s and the evolution of man
During a moment of thinking what am I going to talk about in this edition, I found an insight I had after watching a Documentary with my family…
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